The Human Bots
Cant Deny The PennyJew - Printable Version

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Cant Deny The PennyJew - grizzlydue - 06-05-2016 03:21 AM

(Section 1)
1.Gammertag: grizzlydue (akaa FiveJews1Penny)
2.Real Name: Dylan
3.Age: 23
4.Games you play(Brief list): Battlefield, Siege, Witcher, DCS World, Overwatch

(Section 2)
1.Why you would like to join us? Decent group of nice men and women who play games I like to and are honorable for the most part. Havent met a group of players this dedicated to eachother in a long time.
2.What is your best asset? My penny.
3.And any other fun stuff you would like to share: My jews.
4.Do you play Quake 3? Not in a decade.
5.What is the meaning of life? Ride or die.
6.When was the last time you said someone was a n00b? Yesterday when I got mad at someone for out playing me.
7.Have you met all of the clan leaders? I dont think so. I like Beaver if he's one of those people.

(Section 3)
To get accepted:
1.Pass the application.
2.Live through months of <THB> torment
3.Get voted on
And finally,
4.the REDDRAGON Rule: Beat Evo Q3dm17 best out of 3 *

RE: Cant Deny The PennyJew - Evolution - 06-05-2016 03:41 AM

Section 1: Pass
Section 2: 2/7


RE: Cant Deny The PennyJew - grizzlydue - 06-05-2016 01:04 PM


RE: Cant Deny The PennyJew - DiaFramHER - 06-08-2016 08:58 AM

I vote the "r" goes on....

RE: Cant Deny The PennyJew - Sobedidit - 07-25-2016 08:49 AM

Grizz has my vote. Smile Yes please!