The Human Bots

Full Version: Permanently banned from TS.
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Why was I banned?
You weren't banned.

Seadog, Bluburry and I use the same computer for games. Is the ban by IP address because I was unable to login with other identities.

Much Thanks,
Unfortunately, BluBurry has incurred yet another temporary ban due to conversational content. The reason it has only been temporary so far is because of the relation between BluBurry and you. We appreciate having you around, but BluBurry has a habbit of talking about things we don't want to hear.. We have the privilege of listening to our significant others talking about missed periods we don't need to hear about hers - and that is one of the BETTER subjects we have the honor to listen to.

To remedy this, please go into TeamSpeak 3 and select the Settings menu, and open Identities.

Click the Add button.

Provide a Name for the Identity along with the Nickname and a Phonetic Nickname if you choose. Press OK when done.

Go to the Bookmarks menu and Add a Bookmark.

Add a new bookmark The Human Bots, provided all the required details. Please name it so that it is not easily confused. REQUIREMENT: You must set the identity t your identity!

It should look similar to this:

Finally, connect to TeamSpeak using your new bookmark.
Niiiice! Evo your ruthless!
Are you shitting me? Banned again? WTF is going on?

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