The Human Bots

Full Version: AznMafiaO_O's application
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InGame Name: AznMafiaO_O
Real Name: Jonathan Liang
Age: 20, turning 21 soon
Games you play(Brief list): bf1942, bf2142, bfh, bfp4f, bf3, bf4, cod2, cod3, codmw1, cod5, aoe2, aoe3, wot, wowp, war thunder, titanfall, mechwarrior

Why you would like to join us?
-I've been searching for a Clan to join to improve myself (I simply suck at sniping), came across THB's server last night and was in ts3 at the same time. I like the attitude you guys take, not so casual yet not so serious.

What is your best asset?
-supporting, I tends to fall into the role of flanking or healing/reviving teammate in other games.

And any other fun stuff you would like to share:
-As someone on ts3 points out last night. No, my emblem isn't a swastika. It may look like one, but it isn't.
-English is my second language, I'll talk on ts3, but rarely.

Do you play Quake 3?
-Unfortunately, no, I tends to play more "historical" games. At least, realistic, as of no futuristic.

What is the meaning of life?
-My meaning of life is: "Be yourself"

When was the last time you said someone was a n00b?
-1 second ago, I am a n00b. I like to think everyone is, so therefore no one is.

Have you met all of the clan leaders?
- Only Honeybeaver, last night.
welcome azn,

played wit ya last night and you are right you are a noob lol j/k

thanks for applying, all i can say right now is keep playing with us get to know us and we will go from there
What time do you guys normally play tho?
most of us are east coast
we usually start around 5 est and some of us go till like 12 - 1pm/am est
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