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Full Version: I for one have NOTHING to hide from EA's Origin Client file snooper?!
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Which led to EA's PR department frantically circling the wagons, initiating damage control and promising they'll "Get to the bottom of this."

Oh and my question regarding this bit in the Origin Client TOS: “if you do not want to use this technology, do not play.“ When should I expect to read terminology like that, BEFORE or AFTER I've coughed up $60 per title, per scrap of DLC?
Welcome to the machine.

I knew about this way before the game came out. Now for the little part I did read, is that they were suppose to stop. RIGHT it's all about the extra money they want to make. Hell everyone has been doing allot longer then the inter net was developed. Hell I believe the post office even does and has been, again before the internet. So what is all the shock for?
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