The Human Bots

Full Version: Surgery on the 26th.
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So 10 days from now I'm gonna have this benign tumor on my leg chipped off and leg sewn up. Follow up appt. two weeks later at which point we'll know if the infection/inflammation spread to the tumor, and whether it went from there spreading further into the actual legbone. In all likelihood I'll be operated on for less than a couple hours and go home the same day.

The most noteworthy thing about today was the attending nurse/vital statistician. She was a sweet grandmotherly little thing with rosy cheeks and the most sultriest, sexiest husky voice this side of Scarlett Johannson in Her. Seriously. This woman could have provided narrative talent for advertising in Chanel No.1, Victoria's Secret and Bacchanalian Bachelorettes Season 5 without anyone batting an eye. I felt confused, intrigued, maybe even slightly tingly in my nether regions.

All in all a good day.

Err, just pretend the 1 and the 5 in that second paragraph switched places.
Hope everything works out well for you!!!
Good luck Jimmy. Our thoughts are with you.
This sucks. At least with my appendicitis a few years back there wasn't any time to think or worry about what could go wrong. xD
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